Those Plutonium Rods? Hot Man!

Oh boy, little kittlings. Rem Magazine loves its hors d’oeuvres. Enjoy a few works that deserve their own space in our little uranium capsules section!

Uranium [tasters] is a category reserved for works that for whatever reason cannot be included in the final pdf version. As always, we are seeking works that inspire and create thought.  All submitted works will be automatically considered for this section. However if you wish to be included in this section without submitting to the pdf format, please follow these guidelines.

1. Email your works to

2.  State SUBMISSION: TASTERS in the subject heading of the email.

3. Attach your work as a jpeg, rtf or word document (NOT .docx).

4. Include a 50 word bio.

The advantage is (if your accepted) you’re work will be available almost immediately online.